Our values
- People. The main value is our team. This is our “family” that we care about, develop, protect, support, and inspire. We also value our partners and customers on all continents and build long-term relationships with them.
- Reliability. We value our experience, reputation, and good name, which is synonymous with reliability. We are unfamiliar with the word “force majeure” because we are stronger than crises, and we always deliver on our commitments because our business continuity plans are designed to be challenged. We are happy to broadcast our reliability to our customers and partners.
- Stability in development. We stand steadily on the ground and move forward, always having reliable support underneath: our intellectual, emotional, and financial capital. Both in life and in business, we choose reliable solutions and if we take risks, then it is always controlled and justified. This allows us not only to develop in the seething stream of world-wide changes but also to feel comfortable in it.
- Harmony in development. We care about the harmonious, balanced development of our staff and our services, as well as strengthening our customers. We are broad-minded and erudite, and that helps us to be in the right place at the right time. Our team members harmoniously complement each other to obtain synergy in our work.
- Global responsibility. Our business exists not only to make money but also to help the planet. We are socially and environmentally responsible. We are involved in charity work and especially support family values. We do not serve clients whose business destroys people, family, nature, or their harmonious connection, for example, military organizations or tobacco industrу.
- Honour. We are law-abiding, and we value ethical principles even more. We do not allow conflicts of interest within the company, with partners and clients. We do not lure away employees from other companies and we act honestly with competitors. We respect and study all forms of morality, from ancient religions to modern social norms.

Code of Ethics
- Corporate ethics are the norms of conduct for our team members, based primarily on our values, corporate culture, business ethics, and also on human rights.
- The principles of corporate ethics at H-X Technologies are universal and binding on all team members, regardless of their position. This also applies to any other person acting on behalf of the company.
- Our specialists not only share the values of the company and are guided in their lives by these norms of behavior, but also contribute to the further improvement of our corporate culture.
- We value the atmosphere of goodwill, friendliness, trust, and mutual support. The high quality of our services and products is associated with a healthy psychological climate in the company.
- We strive to create the conditions necessary for high productivity and performance, for open and timely communication, for a healthy working climate, professional and personal growth, as well as self-realization.
- We respect the dignity and personality of everyone. Intimidation, threats, insults, humiliation, or manifestations of intolerance are unacceptable in our team.
- H-X Technologies’ specialists work honestly and conscientiously, are responsible for the results of their work, and observe labour discipline.
- We adhere to a policy of equal opportunities: everyone’s success depends only on their knowledge, technical and social skills, experience, as well as on the results of their work.
- H-X Technologies operates according to generally accepted international human rights standards. We have no discrimination based on gender, age, color, nationality, race, or religion.
- H-X Technologies is committed to contributing to the planet’s environment and the health of our employees and all people.
- We value our reputation, comply with laws, ethical standards, and rules of fair business conduct. We strictly fulfill our obligations to customers, partners, specialists, and colleagues.
- Each specialist of the company signs a confidentiality commitment, which remains in effect even after the cooperation with the company has been terminated.
- We follow a client-oriented approach in all our projects and tasks, both external and internal.
- Respect and understanding are at the core of our relationship with customers. We strive to provide the best quality services and products and do it within the agreed time frame. The main factors of our competitiveness are the high quality and fair prices.
- H-X Technologies maintains fair and open competition. We do not violate antitrust or competition laws. We do not use prohibited methods of competition.
- H-X Technologies’ accounting ensures that all accounting transactions are carried out correctly according to the law and generally accepted accounting standards.
- H-X Technologies is against corruption. We do not offer or accept gifts or rewards to obtain an illegitimate benefit.
- H-X Technologies is against money laundering. We take measures to combat financial transactions for money laundering.
- H-X Technologies does not support any political parties or factions, and neither any armed conflicts, regardless of their goals.
- Each member of our team is personally responsible for compliance with all of the above principles, rules, and restrictions, as well as relevant laws, regulations, and standards.

Auditor’s Code of Ethics
- I shall always get proper authorization and protect the client’s property. I shall:
- use the property of clients and employers only in ways properly authorized, and with the owner’s knowledge and written consent;
- be careful not to cause irreparable damage to the client’s property, or to allow irreparable damage via neglect;
- make sure backups are available before trying to do dangerous tests.
- I shall protect confidentiality and intellectual property. I shall:
- keep private and confidential the information gained in the professional work, in particular, as it pertains to client lists and client personal information;
- not collect, give, sell, or transfer any personal information, such as name, e-mail address, or other unique identifier, to a third party without the client’s prior consent;
- respect intellectual property and be careful to give credit to other people for their work;
- never steal or misuse copyrighted, patented material, trade secrets, or any other intangible asset;
- not discuss findings with unauthorized people or publish vulnerabilities without permission;
- never knowingly use software or process that is obtained or retained either illegally or unethically.
- I shall act legitimately. I shall:
- not associate with malicious hackers nor engage in any malicious activities;
- not take part in any black-hat activity or be associated with any black-hat community that serves to endanger networks or systems;
- adhere to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the services are being provided.
- I shall avoid conflict of interests. I shall:
- refuse corporate espionage;
- refuse any additional client’s or employer’s project or job that contradicts the interests of any of my current client or employer;
- disclose to all concerned parties those conflicts of interest that cannot reasonably be avoided or escaped.
- I shall be competent. I shall:
- provide service, being honest and forthright about any limitations of the experience and education;
- ensure high quality for any proposed project by choosing the appropriate combination of education, training, and experience;
- ensure good management for any proposed project, including effective procedures for promotion of quality and full disclosure of risk;
- observe and respect all contracts and agreements, either expressed or implied;
- provide service with agreed terms, quality, complete, and reliable results;
- foresee and prevent any harm during the work;
- add to the knowledge by constant study, share the lessons of experience with co-workers;
- study professional best practices;
- make objective, prudent, and independent judgements;
- timely fulfill the requirements of certification and professional organizations and never use expired professional certificates.
- I shall act fair and honestly. I shall:
- not injure others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action;
- not participate in any form of discrimination, whether due to race, colour, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender, sexual identity or expression, marital status, creed, religion, age, disability, veteran’s status, or political ideology;
- not be part of any underground hacking community for purposes of preaching and expanding black-hat activities;
- not engage in deceptive financial practices such as bribery, double billing, or other improper financial practices;
- avoid unfair competition and marketing such as FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt);
- avoid arrogance.
- I shall uphold the cybersecurity profession. I shall:
- advertise the benefits of penetration testing and cybersecurity in general;
- report to appropriate persons or authorities all the vulnerabilities or potential dangers that I discover in the public software, networks or systems;
- promote these ethical norms.
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