Dear visitors and users of our resources!
Thank you for your interaction and cooperation with us in 2019!
We were pleased to provide you with our free and paid information security services: assessing the security of your sites, applications, and organizations; pentesting them; implementing ISO 27001 and other security standards; helping you get official security certificates; providing security education; etc.
In 2019, we created and strengthened several service areas. First of all, this year for us was the year of the ENX TISAX® automotive information security standard. We promptly responded to the requirements of the German automotive industry, helped several companies obtain the ENX TISAX® certification, and as a result became the ENX TISAX® leader in Eastern Europe.
We have also developed the following areas and models of security services:
- teaching various information security topics for users, software developers, and cybersecurity specialists;
- security services for industrial IT and OT;
- security analysis of software source code, compliance audit for ASVS standard and other application security services;
- audit of smart contracts;
- security incident response, investigations and other SOC (Security Operations Center) services.
Today, our customers and partners are located in Ukraine, the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Kazakhstan, and other countries. We are actively developing our partner network, as well as new areas and models of our services, and will be happy to offer them to you in 2020.
Happy New Year and happy holidays!
H-X Technologies Team