Our selling points

High qualification, flexibility and reliability are our selling points.

What makes us different

Highest customization and flexibility

Our slogan is “professional services for any budget”. We even provide free services. We study your needs carefully. Unlike other companies, our pre-engagement documentation includes a comprehensive set of detailed project parameters. You understand exactly what you pay for. We have a great deal of experience and are continually improving our methodology. This is the selling point that distinguishes us from our competitors.

International security certifications

The specialists of H-X have earned and maintain internationally recognized certifications (CISSP, OSCP, OSEP, CEH, CLPTP, CRTE, ISO 27001, ISA/CFS, etc.). These certifications cannot be obtained without proven years of experience and successfully passing rigorous exams. The certifications verify our high professionalism and do not allow for illegal or unethical behavior, otherwise, they are immediately revoked.

Absolute reliability

We value our reputation, so we strictly adhere to all laws and our Code of Ethics. We respect the rights and interests not only of our clients and partners but also the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. Our specialists sign your commitment forms personally, just like your employees. Such reliability is usually unreachable with small companies, let alone freelance or bug bounty platforms.

Experience in IT and information security

Since 1998, we have gained a lot of experience in IT, particularly in information security assessment and management, in various spheres (industrial, medical and pharmaceutical, telecommunication, retail, financial, SaaS, IT outsourcing, web3, etc.) and in different countries. Read about our case studies.

Highest quality

H-X uses modern, comprehensive methodologies and tools for development, assessment, and management of IT and cybersecurity. We are attentive to details. In each project, we develop suggestions for continuous improvement and track changes in our customers’ security 24/7.

Sustaining our team

We are a Teal company. We highly value the comfort of our employees, who, in addition to decent pay, can always choose interesting tasks. Communication is based solely on mutual respect. We train and raise young people “from scratch”, exchange experience, support in work and life issues, help in skill development, personal and professional growth.

Our team has hundreds man-years of experience. We rank highly on independent rating platforms, and our clients value us. Recommendations.

The best way to contact us is to send a message using the form below.